Friday, August 28, 2009

GC ( Gospel Cafe)

Yo guys!!! Whats up dudes and dudettes?? Hope you all are enjoying your holidays.. Sorry for the absence from this blog for so long.. Well, let's just say I've been busy.. Homework, photo sessions, tuition, autograph sessions, church, practices.. You get the point^^

Well, the hols had been okay for me so far.. Didn't go out anywhere fun (unless you consider tuition fun), most of the time stayed at home to play RoN on the computer or to finish my Harry Potter marathon(2 and 3/4 books to the finish line.. Why finish line?? Marathon.. Get it??? Oh, what the heck!)

At least I have a programme to look forward to and that is (drum roll...) Gospel Cafe!!!! Or GC in short.. Well, this is a fairly new church evangelistic-style programme as it was only initiated last year.. Gospel Cafe 2008 was kinda hectic, as we held it at the foyer in church, and the youths were in charge of waitering, making the drinks, performances, or easier to be said, EVERYTHING! And so, Sern Wang as well as the 2009 committee decided that GC 2009 will be held at Witchery Ider(beside Square 1) this year.. This year's GC will be more laid-back, relaxed and comfortable kind as this year our aim is to evangelise and to draw more friends to Jesus Christ!!! We did not manage to accomplish this objective last year as most of the guests came in big groups and the youths were too busy to fellowship with their friends.. And when you are in big groups, you tend to talk about EVERYTHING, except the main thing..

So this year, each youth is only required to bring a maximum of 2 friends so as to keep the attendance under control.. This will also make evangelising easier as well, as each youth can focus on their friends, and not their friend's cousins, their friend's cousin's cousin, and their friend's cousin's cousin's cousin as what happened in 2008.. And this year,the youths will also have more time to evangelise, as it will not be jam-packed with performances compared to 2008(only a mime, and maybe a video presentation), and also because we won't be waitering and serving drinks and all.. But nevertheless, it will still be a fun-filled and exciting programme that should not be missed if you are able to make it..

The mime this year is inspired by a drama performed by a church in America.. The drama can be found in Youtube, but what for go so far, if you can see it here..

Well, it's not 100% based on this video, we did make some changes.. However, it stil features a star-studded cast featuring: (drum roll again please...)

Wong Hui Yee as the victim that was eventually saved by Lord Jesus Christ..
Eugene Gan portraying Lord Jesus Christ..
Yours truly as head devil or leader of the damned, whatever you wanna call him..
Hong Caleen, Lim Regine, Jason Ng, Kek Ling Ching, Esther Kam and Fiona Bhaskran as the little devils, followers of the leader of the damned or whatever you wanna call them..

So for those who have been invited by the youths, make sure you drag yourselves to Gospel Cafe 2009, if God has so graciously made you free and available on 30th August (I would say tomorrow, but 30th August sounds more formal and official), 8.00-10.00pm.. Hope to see you there!!

Signing out,
